Thursday, June 04, 2015

Bleeding Hearts Watercolour KWSA show

This painting is called  "Bleeding Hearts" it's 11x14". For a few days I'm going to be sharing step-by-step photos so you will see my watercolour as it progressed. 

It's entered into the KW Society of Artists show that opens at the Button Factory in Waterloo on Friday from 5 to 7 pm.

The first step is to draw out your design onto watercolour paper. I used a combination of photos and also drawn from life using my own plant in my garden as reference material. When you are pleased with the design, you paint over all the little hearts and stems with masking fluid (thin latex) to save the white. 

When that's dry you wet the paper on both sides and drop multi colours into the water and watch the colour do its thing. It's magic! Watercolour dries much lighter than what it looks like when it's wet so you never really know what you're going to get until it's totally dry!

After it's dry you can remove the masking and you can start to put some pale colour on the hearts to define the shape of each one.

I'll share the next step tomorrow. I LOVE the colours in the background. I hope to keep some of that bright green to show the dappled light falling on the leaves. What do you think? 

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